Catholic Church & Holy Hierarchy

Catholic Church;
Magisterium, Hierarchy;
Holy Father the Pope

The Pope - Apostolic succession
The primacy of the Pope in the Church
The Authority of the Church

This page is updated October 13, 2022

"Catholic" Church


Magisterium, Hierarchy

Jesus, Peter & the Keys by Scott Butler, Norman Dahlgren, David Hess


Holy Father the Pope


The Pope - Apostolic succession

The List of Popes New Advent

The List of Popes The Guardian

Apostolic Succession Catholic Answers

Apostolic Succession Corunum

Apostolic Tradition Catholic Answers

The Primacy of Peter Catholic Answers

Peter the Rock Catholic Answers

Who Is The Rock? Catholic Answers

Peter in Rome Catholic Answers

Peter's Successors Catholic Answers

St. Peter and the Primacy of Rome a book list

The Authority of the Pope (Part I) Catholic Answers

The Authority of the Pope (Part II) Catholic Answers

What's Your Authority for That? Catholic Answers

College of

College of

The PapacyEWTN

The PapacyCNA

GallicanismNew Advent

Papal Infallibility Catholic Answers

Peter And The Papacy Catholic Answers

Was Peter In Rome? Catholic Answers


The primacy of the Pope in the Church

Primacy of the Pope |

"What is the story of Joan of Arc, and does it make a dent in infallibility?"

"Is it true that the Greek Orthodox Church believes in infallibility, but not in the Catholic sense?"

"Papal infallibility can't be true because Pope Zozimus pronounced Pelagius to be orthodox and later reversed himself. What do you have to say to that?"

"Isn't it Christ, rather than Peter, who holds the key of David?"


The Authority of the Church


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