Sankt Mikael Ärkeängeln, St. Michael the Archangel

Latin = Latin language

Updated  03-Nov-2024

The Pilgrims of Saint Michael A Catholic work of the press and apostolate for social justice PDF

Michael     is named for St. Michael the Archangel, the leader of the angels who fought Satan and the rebellious angels. St. Michael stands with those among us seeking the triumph of good against evil.

The miraculous apparitions of St Michael the Archangel    Extraordinary apparitions of St. Michael in Mexico and in Rom,

Papal visions-   St. Michael the archangel appears to Pope Leo XIII; the origin of the famous prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael, His Prayer, And The Version You’ve Never Seen Englich

St. Michael Center

St. Michael apparitions

St. Michael the Archangel Story

The legend of St.Clare  Tells us that even before Clare's conception, her mother travelled to the Holy lands with the pilgrims and to the shrines of St. Michael the Archangel at Monte Gargano and of the Apostles.

Icon picture of Saint Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel    The Catholic Encyclopedia

Military Orders of St. Michael-The Catholic Encyclopedia

Michael in Art

 San Miguel del Milagro Nativitas, Tlaxcala   Märkvärdiga uppenbarelser av Sankt Mikael i Mexico exakt 100 år efter Jungfru Marias uppenbarelser i Guadalupere.

Saint Michael, and St. Florian the patron saint of policemen and firemen

Statue of St. Michael   1749 Painted limewood, St. Michael Parish Church, Mogyoród, Hungary


Mont Saint Michel - France


Gargano - Italia

Santuario San Michele – Monte Sant’Angelo

Basilica of San Michele-Monte Sant’Angelo


Böner, Prayers, Oraciones

Leo XIII:s bön till ärkeängeln Mikael sverige

Novena: Ärkeängeln Mikael, 1-9 Maj, 20-28 sept sverige– Kristus Konungens Institut I Sverige

De vanigasta dagliga bönerna sverige

Fasta som helige Franciskus fram till ärkeängeln Mikaels fest sverige

Saint Michael Center - Saint Michael Prayer History  How The Prayer of St. Michael Came o be Written

Prayer to St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael 

Exorcismus in satanam et angelos apostaticos  Jussu leonis Pp. XIII editus

The power of Holy water (and a simple exorcism prayer for priests or laity)    From the Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila , Chapter 31. 1562 A.D.

Prayer to Saint Michael The Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel usually refers to one specific Catholic prayer to Michael the Archangel, among the various prayers in existence that are addressed to him.

Novena to St. Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer

The Prayer to St. Michael Archangel

St. Michael, For Personal Protection

To St. Michael, For Protection of the Church and Her Members

Holy Michael, the Archangel, Defend Us in Battle


Pilgimsfärder, Pilgrimages

Pilgrims Progress  Wikipedia

What is a Pilgrimage?


Länkar/Links Församlingar/ Parish &
Kyrkor/ Churches Europa/Europe

Sankt Mikaels Katolska Församling  sverige  Växjö

Church of Saint-Michael in Luxembourg   - Discover this open and welcoming religious building | Open Churches

St. Michael’s Church -   European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards

Shrines to Saint Michael across Europe | Europeana

History | St Michael & St Rose of Lima Catholic Parishes

History of Saint Michael's

Diecezja Łomżyńska   St. Michael the Archangel (Diocese of Łomża)

St. Michael, Berlin    Religiana
